четверг, 19 сентября 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 Java Heap Space WIS 10901 error

We have lots of source such as Mysql, Sql Server or Postgresql. The easiest way to get data - use JDBC connection. But during work you can get error:

(CS) "Unexpected behavior: Java heap space" . (WIS 10901)

Let's see how we could solve it:

Goto the Business Objects installation folder under <.......>/dataAccess/RDBMS/connectionServer
Make a copy of the file cs.cfg
Edit the file cs.cfg
Inside the section <JavaVM> </JavaVM> Add the following lines

<-- For Linux/Solaris/Windows -->

<-- For AIX -->

Save the file
Restart Business Objects Services


Just instal Full Oracle Instant Client 32x